Why become a Member?

Fly Fishing Team USA Code of Conduct

Membership with Fly Fishing Team USA (“FFTUSA”) is a privilege. A FFTUSA member is defined as those who pay dues to FFTUSA to allow participation in FFTUSA sanctioned events, the qualified fifteen team members, and those on the Leadership Committee. All members must agree to represent FFTUSA with honor and dignity and display sportsmanship to Olympic standards. In addition, all members must agree to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner while attending or participating in all FFTUSA sanctioned activities and observe the spirit of this Code of Conduct.

While participating in any FFTUSA sanctioned activity or in those events where one is representing or could be perceived as representing FFTUSA, FFTUSA members shall observe the following provisions:

  1. FFTUSA members will respect other competitors, competition officials, volunteers, and the fishing public.

  2. FFTUSA members will use courtesy, good manners, and refrain from the use of profane or abusive language. 

  3. FFTUSA members will always conduct themselves as worthy representatives of the United States of America and shall maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct. 

  4. FFTUSA members will respect and care for the fish, rivers, lakes, and all facilities associated with a competition venue or event.

  5. FFTUSA members are responsible for knowledge of and adherence to competition rules and procedures as outlined by FFTUSA, an agent of FFTUSA, and FIPS-Mouche. 

  6. FFTUSA members will abstain from illegal or immoderate use of alcohol and use of illegal or banned drugs. 

  7. FFTUSA members agree to abide by anti-doping rules and procedures outlined by FIPS-Mouche in Article 40. 

  8. No FFTUSA member shall commit a criminal act.

Failure to comply with any of the above provisions may lead to disciplinary action by the FFTUSA Leadership Committee.  Disciplinary actions might include:

  • Suspension from Regional or National competition without refund of entry fee.

  • Forfeiture of FFTUSA membership without refund.

  • Suspension or banning from becoming a FFTUSA member. 

  • Removal from the team of 15 or WFFC Team.

FFTUSA is committed to principles of fairness and FFTUSA members are entitled to due process.